04 August, 2014 | Blue Chip Tracking System

August is Water Quality Month

Water conservation is a big priority for businesses here in Colorado, and we’re aware of our impact on the surrounding environment. August is National Water Quality Month and we wanted to let all of our customers know that as part of our responsibility to the local community, we do what we can to protect the local environment.

At the Service Uniform facility, garments go through an extensive cleaning process before they are returned to you. That means we use a lot of water. Because we don’t want to be wasteful, we treat water that becomes heavily soiled in our plant and reuse 90% of it. We remove approximately 300 gallons of oil a week with our water treatment system, which means we need the most advanced cleaning system in the region in order to return garments to you in great condition.

Not only are we protecting our water supply here at the plant, but also in our homes! American households waste a shocking amount of water every year, and household pollution is one of the main causes. Clean Water Action is an organization that offers a great factsheet on what individuals and families can do to prevent water pollution from spilling out of their homes, including:

  • Not using antibacterial soaps or cleaning products
  • Not flushing unwanted or out-of-date medications down the toilet or drain
  • Not putting anything but water down storm drains
  • Fixing leaks that drop from cars and putting liners in driveways to collect oil and other materials
  • Avoid using pesticides or chemical fertilizers
  • Choosing nontoxic household products when possible
  • Picking up after pets

For more ways to prevent pollution, click here.

This month, take steps to conserve and preserve our water supply. Do you have any water-saving tricks? Share with us on our Facebook page.

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